Mental Health Awareness

May Mental Health Awareness Month In today's society stigma and lack of understanding of mental health continues to be an ongoing trend. Stigma surrounding mental health prevents individuals from seeking the help they need for their mental health, and/or speaking with a love one regarding their mental health. The Mental Health State of America 2018 Facts reports the following 1 in 5 Adults have a mental health condition. That's over 40 million Americans Youth mental health is worsening. Rates of youth with severe depression increased from 5.9% in 2012 to 8.2% in 2015. Even with severe depression, 76% of youth are left with no or insufficient treatment More Americans have access to services... Access to insurance and treatment increased, as healthcare reform has reduced the rates of uninsured adults. The greatest decrease in uninsured Adults with mental illnesses was seen in states that expanded Medicaid. ...But most Americans st...