Men's Health

Men's Health Welcome to June! I would like to start off the month of June by discussing a topic that continues to go under the radar in healthcare; Men's Health. June is national Men's Health Month and I want to take this time to discuss some of the health issues that currently impacts men. According to a report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2015, the leading cause of death in men are: 1) Heart disease 2) Cancer 3) unintentional injury When we think about heart disease, we can connect this to untreated high blood pressure, risk of smoking, elevated cholesterol, being overweight or obese, sedentary lifestyle, and unhealthy eating. How can you as a male impact heart disease: getting annual physical exams including screening for high blood pressure, making time for physical activity at least three days per week, if you are a smoker discuss options for quitting with your primary care provider, learn healthy eating behaviors,...